Shredded Rubber Mulch is a great alternative to wood mulch, wood bark, wood shavings, pea gravel, sand, grass, etc under playground equipment or in landscape beds.

What is it made of?
Shredded Rubber Mulch is recycled from the tread of scrap solid industrial tires. 

How is it made?
TREADSTONE processes the scrap tires on proprietary equipment designed and built in house solely for this application. The product goes through a state of the art classifying and de-magnetizing system to insure only the highest of quality product. 

How long does it last?
Tires are basically inert and therefore the product will theoretically last forever.  Since the product does not breakdown or decompose, if properly maintained it can last many years. 

What kind of base does the Shredded Rubber Mulch require?
The product can be placed on standard soil with proper drainage and requires no additional prep.  The depth is dependant on the site and the application.   

Is it flammable, will it burn?
Tires have been tested and are actually considered non-flammable because they are difficult to ignite on their own. 

Does it get hot in the summer?
Because Rubber Mulch is a loose fill material the amount of air that is allowed to circulate through it helps reduce the surface temperature.  It is not much different than any other surface placed in extreme direct sunlight.

Does it float?
Rubber Mulch does not float which means it will not wash out under normal rain conditions.

Does it blow away?
Shredded Rubber Mulch does not tend to blow away.  In fact at the right height a blower can be used on areas with Shredded Rubber Mulch to remove dry leaves and debris.  Trial and error will help to determine the right height for the blower so as to not dislodge the product.

Do I need to use as much as wood mulch?
Typically you can use about half of the amount  of rubber mulch compared to the wood mulch , depending on the application.  Please fill out the contact us form so that we can discuss your specific requirements.
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Treadstone LLC
1720 Terminal Rd, Bldg E
Niles, MI 49120
Copyright 2009 Treadstone LLC